Nemaska Lithium seeks meaningful long-term relationships with its communities
Local communities
The Whabouchi Mine
From the outset, Nemaska Lithium wanted to integrate the Cree into the project as true partners, which led to the signing of the Chinuchi Agreement in 2014. This agreement aims to:
Establish and maintain a long-term relationship based on mutual respect and trust
Adopt a sustainable development approach and maintain it throughout the life of the Whabouchi Mine
Provide members of the Cree communities with training, employment, or business opportunities
Involve the Cree in environmental monitoring operations
In short, this agreement aims to promote the development of the Whabouchi project in an efficient, safe, profitable, and environmentally friendly manner, for the benefit of the Cree communities as well as Nemaska Lithium.
To this end, and to promote co-creation, several committees were set up to discuss the topics of the environment, workforce training and economic development. In addition, an environmental and social monitoring program was created in collaboration with the Cree community.
Local communities
The Bécancour Conversion Facility
To guarantee the best possible integration of the project in its environment, Nemaska Lithium decided to adopt a comprehensive, innovative and inclusive approach, by associating a diversity of organizations and stakeholders in the territory.
This voluntary social integration process has the following main objectives:
Inform the population, stakeholders and Indigenous organizations on the territory of the existence and progress of the project
Provide answers to questions raised
Deepen the voluntary environmental and social assessment process
Better understand the expectations of the local community and to source improvements to generate a better outcome for all
Report on the results of the environmental and social impact assessment, and more specifically on the measures to be implemented
Optimize project design as discussions progress
Consultations and information activities throughout 2022
As Nemaska Lithium truly believes in the importance of involving both the various stakeholders in the territory and the local population, Nemaska Lithium has decided to set up various consultations and information activities throughout 2022:
A participatory platform, containing information on the project and tools for online expression
Participatory activities to involve the community in co-constructing the measures to mitigate and improve the identified impacts
Public events on the environmental and social impact assessment
At the end of the process, the Nemaska Lithium team will communicate the commitments it intends to respect and the measures deemed necessary to implement based on the information collected from the participatory process.
To find out all the details of the social integration process and its different phases, visit: