The first such Conversion Facility in Canada
Fuelled by hydroelectric power, the Nemaska Lithium Conversion Facility in Bécancour will convert the spodumene concentrate produced at the Whabouchi mine to lithium hydroxide. This is the first such conversion facility in Canada.
Other important players in the battery industry have also chosen to move to Bécancour in what many are already calling la vallée de la batterie (Battery Valley).
Why opt for the Parc industriel et portuaire de Bécancour?
This location is easily accessible by road, sea and rail, in addition to being served by natural gas and electricity infrastructures. It also comprises a buffer space with residential areas, while being close to a large pool of skilled labour with experience in the industrial environment.
Major Impacts
Nemaska Lithium’s chosen technology has been tested and meets all the criteria to ensure reliable and high-quality production
During the conversion facility’s construction period, which is expected to run from 2023 to 2025, Nemaska Lithium will create 800 full-time equivalent jobs.
Once in operation, Nemaska Lithium will employ nearly 200 people at its Bécancour conversion facility alone. The company will provide quality jobs. It will hire people trained in engineering, chemical process operation, instrumentation, mechanics, electricity and administrative support staff.
Nemaska Lithium will ensure that local and regional businesses are among its suppliers of products and services.
During the conversion facility’s construction period, which is expected to run from 2023 to 2025, Nemaska Lithium will create 800 full-time equivalent jobs.
Once in operation, Nemaska Lithium will employ nearly 200 people at its Bécancour conversion facility alone.